Sabtu, 20 April 2019


Youtube For Dakwah
At now, a lot of social media are growing. One of them is youtube. With toutube we can find a lot of content,ranging from tutorials, lessons,tips, etc. So it makes the young generation smarter and more able to work. On the other hand youtube can up to pornography, violence,human right violations,etc. that ruin the young generation. So, how about dakwah? can that youtube be media dakwah?

Youtube as a media can be use to spread dakwah for young generation. ustadz can upload his dakwah contents like live streaming islamic study, one minute one booster, and dakwah poster. So young generation can see his dakwah and excited to islam

For example, In Bandung there is a movement, the movement is "Shift, Pemuda HIjrah" that becomes the shaft of the dakwahfor young generation in the city of Bandung and inspire other cities to establish the same movement. This movement use socialmedia for dakwah, especiallly youtube.

Youtube can be a media for dakwah as long as we can use it and choose the right content

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