Sabtu, 20 April 2019

My Self: Know Deeply About Me

My name is Hukmashabiyya Ariq Gumilar, and I am 16 years old. I'm student at SMAN 3 Bandung. I was born in Bandung, 27 April 2002, I'm single child. My hobby is recitation Al-Qur'an, swimming, playing angklung, and learn about math and science.

My elementary school is SDN Ciujung, My junior high school is SMPN 14 Bandung and my high school is SMAN 3 Bandung. At school I'm known as someone who is dilligent, religious, and couriousty people. so, I have initiate on science and math lesson. But I have weakness like dont like being a leader, weak in leanguage lesson, and forgetful people. But i will effort to improve myself

In Elementary school I have higest points of math in UN th point is 100, in Junior High School I participated in scouting extracullicular, I won in province scouting rally in grade 4, in high school I participated in  angklung community(KPA 3), Olympic training(trilogi), and muslim community (DKM Al-Furqan).

I will become a university student in departement of mathematics in Bandung Institute of Technology, after that i want to continue my study in departement of mathematics in Al-Azhar University, and after that i want to continue my study in departement of mathematics in tokyo university.

I really like math, and i learn something deeply. So, I will to be a scientist and mathematicians, or be a lecturer 

But we just a human who can only plan things, because we actually just do what God has planned for us. So we can only try and pray to God to always be given the best for us. 

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